With the export services of VWE you can easily arrange all matters concerning the export of a vehicle.

Why export via VWE?
Limit stock days on used cars
Expand your sales area
Generate higher margins
This is possible by also offering your occasions internationally! With the most complete export services from VWE, you can easily arrange all administrative matters related to export and ensure that the foreign buyer leaves with all the necessary documents. So this customer likes to come back to you again. And with more than 2.5 million exports via VWE to date, we really know all the ins and outs of export. You can therefore always count on the help of our export specialists.
How does it work?
Everything surrounding the export
With the export services of VWE you can easily arrange all matters concerning the export of a vehicle: from deregistering in the Netherlands to the correct documents so that your buyer can import the vehicle into the country of destination. You register a vehicle for export via the online platform, which means that it is deregistered in the Netherlands. You can also immediately arrange additional matters, such as an export registration number, temporary insurance and a Declaration Type Approval Data (a document with the technical data of the vehicle that helps your buyer with the import). You can also arrange an Invoice Statement via VWE: at one of the Service locations or easily order online.
Everything surrounding BPM tax
When a vehicle is exported within the EEA, you (as a seller) can in many cases reclaim the residual BPM. This allows you to offer vehicles for a lower price to foreign buyers. However then you must have everything in place to request a refund of the residual BPM from the tax authorities. This works as follows:
- 1. Show that the vehicle is registered in an EEA country. This can be done in various ways:
- Ask the buyer to send a copy of the registration in the destination country. You must submit this copy to the tax authorities as proof.
- Or apply for a temporary registration in an EEA country. That way you have direct proof in your hands and you are not dependent on the buyer who has to send proof. You can easily apply for temporary EEA registration via VWE's online platform: the German letter (Fahrzeugbrief).
- 2. Then submit a BPM tax refund request (including proof) to the tax authorities. After an export within the EEA, you can immediately print out a completed form via VWE's online platform. This all in order to reclaim the amount of residual BPM as quickly as possible!
Everything around VAT
When exporting a vehicle outside the EU, you as a seller can sell the vehicle on 0% VAT. This allows you to offer your vehicles to foreign buyers for a lower amount. But then you must be able to demonstrate to the tax authorities that you have correctly applied the 0% VAT rate. This can be done by showing that the vehicle has left the EU, which is very easy with an EAD Customs document. All the foreign buyer has to do is have the Customs document scanned at the EU border crossing. You will then receive a COE (Confirmation of Exit); proof that the vehicle has left the EU.
When selling a vehicle to a company within the EU, you can also sell on 0% VAT. The so-called intra-Community supply. The buyer must have a valid VAT identification number. You can check here whether the VAT number is valid. In addition, you must be able to prove that the vehicle has been transported to another EU country. You do this on the basis of your administration: order form, order confirmation and transport forms (CMR waybill).
In short: via VWE's online platform you can arrange not only the export, but also additional matters, such as temporary insurance, temporary German registration and customs formalities. This requires approvals from the RDW and Customs. We are happy to advise on this! Please contact us via +3188 – 893 7001 or info@vwe.nl.
The most complete export package: everything under one roof
Advice and support from export specialists
Always the right export documents for the foreign customer
Offer temporary insurance through a very reliable insurer
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Want to integrate this service into a dealer or garage management system?
With VWE's XML-mode capabilities, you can easily integrate this service into your garage software package. Suppliers of dealer or garage management systems can integrate many of VWE's services into their own product, via web services.
Read more about web services from VWE