Value and costs
Information about current values and costs of vehicles allows you to optimize business processes in many ways.

Why information about value and costs via VWE?
Information about current values and costs of vehicles allows you to optimize business processes in many ways. For example, being able to show potential customers the right online premium, because you know the cost of a vehicle. As well as, being able to know what a vehicle yields when sold internationally, because you know what the BPM amount is. The right insight into the value and costs of a vehicle is of great importance. VWE links many sources (such as Autotelex), so that you get exactly the relevant information about a vehicle that is important in your business process. Based on a license plate, you can request the desired data from a vehicle, such as:
- Catalog price
- Appraisal values
- Total and residual BPM
- Road tax
- Total Cost of Ownership
How do we deliver?
The information about the value and costs of vehicles can be used in, for example, your own website or software system. That requires different delivery methods; just what suits your situation.
For example, we offer a license plate API with which data about value and costs per license plate can be continuously requested via XML. In this way you can implement this data in your own systems or a website. It is also possible to enrich a file with your own license plates once with information about value and costs.
All delivery methods have one thing in common: we like to think along! Together with one of our business consultants, you determine which vehicle data is important in your process. So that you get exactly the information that makes the difference!
Official data RDW for the administration
Reliable and current valuation values
Provide direct insight into the costs of using a vehicle
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