Car insurance for 1 day
Order your car insurance online for one day for an RDW inspection

Order a car insurance for 1 day directly? It can be done online very easily!
Prices including insurance tax
Car insurance for 1 day € 60.50
Order car insurance for 1 day
Order your one-day insurance directly online using the application form below. After payment via iDeal, we will send the Green Card within 1 working day.
Have you found your dream car abroad and imported it? Then your car must first be inspected by the RDW (Rijksdienst voor Wegverkeer) before it can be used on the road. You make an appointment for this on the RDW website and then also request a one-day registration plate. At the moment it is important to arrange car insurance before the day of the inspection.
Some insurers offer you free insurance, but only if you also insure your final registration number there. But is this to your advantage? Wouldn't you like to be able to choose the provider of your car insurance yourself?
The car insurance for 1 day
That is why VWE offers car insurance for 1 day in collaboration with a.s.r. For €60.50 (including insurance tax) you only take out third-party liability insurance for the day of the inspection and after that you are no longer tied to anything. This gives you the freedom to choose your final car insurance yourself, so that you can probably save more on the premium.
Apply here for car insurance for 1 day. If you have any questions, please contact us on +3188-8937001.
View the general terms and conditions here