MOT approvals: fast and complete via My VWE


Why deregister MOT via VWE?

Quickly unsubscribe MOTs? Insight into the number of MOT inspections that you perform? And want to know what is happening in your local work area?

All of this is possible with VWE's MOT service! With a versatile and flexible system full of useful tools, we help you quickly run your MOTs and understand your performance and opportunities in your area of work. What does that yield? More MOTs per day and higher turnover.


How does the MOT work in My VWE?

With the MOT in My VWE you can do your inspections even faster. For example with the helpful search function. In this video we explain how it works:


Inline Frame URL


Insight into your own performance and your local work area

If you use the VWE Maintenance Module, you will receive the MOT Performance Monitor for free. With this monthly report you will gain insight into:

… your business stats:

  • Number of inspections in recent months, divided into company cars and passenger cars
  • Comparison of the number of inspections with the previous year
  • The number of inspections per judge, divided into approvals and rejections
  • Average number of inspections per judge, per day

… - and market statistics:

  • Market share in recent months, compared to last year
  • Distribution of MOT inspections by universal vehicles and dealers in the region
  • Market share and total number of MOTs per zip code area
  • The expected number of MOTs for the next 12 months

View a sample report here



Quickly find the defects with the handy search function


Immediate insight into the current cusum status


More inspections per day due to time savings


Insight into your performance and your local work area

Aanmelden voor APK via VWE

Ben je geïnteresseerd in APK keuringen via VWE? Meld je aan via onderstaand online aanmeldformulier. Deze dienst is ook te integreren in een dealer- of garagemanagementsysteem. 


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““Due to the enormous number of inspections, the need arose for a fast and efficient system, among other things to ensure that the administrative processing runs smoothly. That is how we ended up at VWE in 2004””


Marc van Abeelen
Directeur Van Abeelen

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