Data services

VWE knows what is going on in the vehicle industry


Second-hand policy, market and stock

VWE provides a lot of statistical information about the Dutch vehicle market. But also about your own stock. For example, how are your vehicles in the market? How well are you actually performing against your goals? Useful tools give you valuable insights. On which you can make informed decisions.


Vehicle Information

Relevant information about a vehicle can optimize your process in many ways. Find the right tires directly in a tire webshop, for example. Or calculate a correct premium. Because you know exactly which vehicle it concerns. VWE links many sources so that you can get all relevant information about a vehicle.


What do our customers have to say about our services?

We would like to share these reactions/reviews with you so that you know exactly where you stand at VWE

Vincent de Pooter
"VWE's knowledge role is becoming increasingly important to us." is a provider of company information. The company collects data from dozens of sources, translates this data into clear information and thus provides in-depth insights into companies. This is how makes organizations data-driven. obtains part of this company information, namely the data relating to Automotive, from VWE.

Vincent de Pooter

All our data services products

Below you will find interesting topics related to our data services. Our data services can be divided into 2 categories: "Used car, market and stock" and "Vehicle information".

Used car policy, market and stock

Vehicle Information

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