Brian Lindeborg
“I am very happy with VWE, especially with my contact person Alex, who is always there for me.”

Brian Lindeborg has about 180 used cars in his garage in Zwolle. He has been dealing in used cars for 26 years. For as long as Brian can remember, he has been using the various services that VWE Automotive offers, such as the RDW services and the advertising platforms.
When starting his business, Brian received a number of tips from his contact at the RDW. One of these tips was to become a customer of VWE. Two friends also satisfactorily used VWE, which is why the choice was made this way. “It makes my life a lot easier. If the administration or digital hassle becomes too much for me, Alex from VWE is only a phone call away. He is always there for me.” VWE helps Brian with RDW services and advertising platforms for his used cars. The unburdening role of VWE is especially important to him. Convenience is paramount and Alex supports where necessary.